Se Chord Buddy på portugisisk TV!
Shark Tank heter Lago Dos Tubarões på portugisiska och du kan se det på kanalen SIC RADICAL. I Portugal kan du se episoden live på web TV: Season 3 – Episode 3. Lago Dos Tubarões T3 – Ep. 3.
Här är TV-guiden som visar vilka tider som programmet visas:
Här kan du se TV-kanalen live online: Chord Buddy on Portugese TV!
Shark Tank is called Lago Dos Tubarões in Portugese and you can watch it on channel SIC RADICAL. In Portugal you can watch the episode online live on web TV: Season 3 – Episode 3. Lago Dos Tubarões T3 – Ep. 3.
Here you can see the TV Schedule when the show is on:
Here you can watch the TV Channel live online: Chord Buddy on Portugese TV!
Shark Tank is called Lago Dos Tubarões in Portugese and you can watch it on channel SIC RADICAL. In Portugal you can watch the episode online live on web TV: Season 3 – Episode 3. Lago Dos Tubarões T3 – Ep. 3.
Here you can see the TV Schedule when the show is on:
Here you can watch the TV Channel live online: Chord Buddy on Portugese TV!
Shark Tank is called Lago Dos Tubarões in Portugese and you can watch it on channel SIC RADICAL. In Portugal you can watch the episode online live on web TV: Season 3 – Episode 3. Lago Dos Tubarões T3 – Ep. 3.
Here you can see the TV Schedule when the show is on:
Here you can watch the TV Channel live online: